SAA Toolkit
The State Administering Agency (SAA) marketing toolkit is designed to help SAAs communicate their role and who they serve to key stakeholders, legislators and other partners. Below is a series of template documents to help SAAs start creating their own stock language, one-pagers, templates, and communications strategy. The toolkit also includes customizable social media posts and imagery. We understand that each SAA is different and we encourage you to make the following documents your own; feel free to adjust the language to make it best suited to your agency!
This toolkit will be released in phases. Upcoming guidance and templates will include information to assist with communicating about funding priorities and how to describe the impact of grant funding. Please bookmark this page.
Throughout this toolkit, you will see references to “guidance versions” of documents as well as “template versions.” Guidance versions of documents include additional comments, directions and context, whereas template versions are barebones edit-ready documents.
This is a customizable organizational fact sheet created to explain what an SAA is and what an SAA does. The fact sheet prompts you to describe your organizational values, the grants you administer and other key information about your agency.
This is language about the role and function of the SAA, which can be edited
to suit your agency’s needs. Stock language can be used for your website, newsletter, social media posts, documents and other resources.
Website visitors should find the information they need quickly and easily. To help you achieve this, our checklist covers the essential and recommended items for your agency and communications team as you update your website, make changes or improve accessibility.
These are easy-to-use graphics that
SAAs can adapt and edit to their individualized needs, for emails, websites, or posting on social media. Instructions about how to add your logo to these images is included, and specialized
photo-editing software is not needed!
Funding Flowcharts
These flowcharts describe both the federal and subgrant processes that agencies might lead or participate in. These images can be used on your website, on social media, or in other documentation to help provide clarity to your subgrantees, partners and other stakeholders on the award process.
This is language about the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne JAG) program, and what your agency funds through Byrne JAG, which can be edited to suit your agency’s needs. Stock language can be used for your website, one-pagers, documents, social media posts and other resources.
Federal Grant Expenses Primer
The Allowable and Unallowable Federal Grant Expenses document outlines common guidance for allowable and unallowable federal grant award expenses, including a "Test your Knowledge" section to help your sub grantees understand
grant expenses.
SAA Grant Program Overview
This customizable overview was created to explain what Byrne JAG is, and what your agency's strategic plan and funding priorities are. The overview prompts you to describe your planning, your priorities, and how the award process works.
Federal CJ Funding Template
This template serves as a federal criminal justice grants 101, giving an overview of what federal criminal justice grants can be used for, both in terms of types of programming and budget categories,
and can be customized to suit your agency's needs.
Websites Worth Checking Out
As you browse the resources in this toolkit, you may decide to reorient or add to your own agency’s website. For inspiration, consider checking out the following websites from your SAA peers.
This webpage was created with the support of Grant No. 2019-YA-BX-K002 awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the SMART Office, and the Office for Victims of Crime. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.