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NCJA Center For Grants Management


What Our Participants Have to Say


“I have enjoyed this grants management training so much, thank you! I always feel like I am in the room with such educated and experienced folks and love learning from everyone that presents.” - Grants Management Training Day


“Great suggestions and simple management of the narrative writing techniques. Very helpful getting a whole outside perspective on how to approach grants.” - Grant Writing 101


“I now understand why the grants I am responsible for are put together the way they are. I have a better understanding of what other divisions and people here are responsible for. Thank you for being in Indiana and working to help me do my job.” - IN CJI Staff Training


“The trainers were very knowledgeable. I enjoyed the presentations and learned a lot. I wish we had this training years ago.” - VA DCJS Staff Training


“The presenters seem to know what is really important. There was a ton of attendee participation and the presenters modified the content to meet the needs of attendees rather than being rigid with the agenda. That was much appreciated!”
- Grants Management Training for District Attorneys

NCJA provides national level training and technical assistance (TTA), and is dedicated to helping justice agencies develop and implement effective policy, practices and programs. For over a decade, the NCJA has been providing peer-to-peer training to state and local recipients of federal grants and cooperative agreements in the management of federal funds, strategic planning, data-driven practice, and program implementation and evaluation. 


NCJA offers grants management, writing, and administration training to meet each agency’s needs including onsite, remote and regional training for state and local agency staff and their subgrantees with curricula tailored to meet the needs of the audience including pre-conference sessions and multiple workshops at the annual Forum on Criminal Justice. 


Core topics for the grants management training cover identification and application of federal regulations, administrative requirements, cost principles and audit requirements, including:


  • understand and apply 2 CFR Part 200 requirements, including primary grantee responsibilities from pre-award through close out;

  • ensure sound fiscal management and internal controls for releasing and managing funds, including determining, documenting and monitoring allowable, indirect, and administrative costs (including personnel);

  • assess financial stability, internal controls and risk level of subaward agencies;

  • determine contractors and subrecipients and applying special conditions to subawards;

  • conduct post-award monitoring, site visits and addressing risk management;

  • manage non-compliance concerns, data collection and evaluation of program effectiveness;

  • identify and reporting conflicts of interest; and

  • prepare for audits and monitoring for corrective action plans.

Learn more about 2 CFR 200 updates and find helpful Crosswalk. View Part 200 Uniform Requirements and DOJ Grants Financial Guide.

Photos from various 2024 Grant Management Trainings

Current Training Offerings

Grant Writing 101: The Federal Grant Application Process and Tools and Tips for Writing and Submitting a Competitive Proposal

February 6 and 7 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm ET


Are you looking for federal grant funding to help address a public safety need in your community? Do you want to learn how to pursue federal grant funding even without a dedicated grant writer or manager? Do you want to ensure you submit an application that gives you the best chance to win an award?


Participants will leave this online training with the knowledge and resources they need to develop an award-winning application. They will also receive information about where to locate and how to determine eligibility and the associated expectations and requirements attached to federal funding opportunities.


Participants will be given step-by-step instructions on the essential elements to complete the application process; will learn the six steps of program development and receive 24 tips for writing a winning proposal. In addition, participants will recognize a logic model as a helpful tool to develop S.M.A.R.T. goals and performance objectives and receive other tools to develop timelines and budgets. Participants will also receive links to a wealth of information to help them successfully obtain and manage a federal award.



The presenter for this training is Valarie Tickle, associate deputy director and grant coordinator for the Delaware Criminal Justice Council. She is a subject matter expert on criminal justice grant writing and has submitted numerous successful competitive grant applications, totaling almost $20M to address needs in her state. 


Pricing: $99 members, $129 non-members

Registration includes both days of virtual training as well as additional resources: 


On-Demand: Foundations of Federal Grants Management

This on-demand virtual training package provides grant managers with everything they need to know to successfully meet their responsibilities as a recipient and administrator of federal grant funding. The training includes essential information, tools and resources.

Who: This training is designed for grant managers who administer Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne JAG) funding, but will also benefit those who administer federal criminal justice grant funds including Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT), Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement, (Coverdell), Sexual Assault Services Formula Grants (SASP), Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) and American Rescue Plan (ARPA).

What: This training package includes ten self-paced modules.


Session 1: 3 modules focused on Grant Management Responsibilities of the SAA and Direct Receipients at the Pre-Award Phase


Session 2: 3 modules focused on Grant Management Responsibilities of the SAA and Direct Recipients at the Award and Post-Award Phase


Session 3: 4 modules focused on Grant Management Responsibilities of the SAA and Direct Recipients as Pass-Through Entitles


 Participants will:

  • Examine programmatic and financial components for managing federal funds from pre-award through close out,

  • Understand the legal hierarchy and precedence involved in the appropriations and authorizations processes for federal funding,

  • Examine requirements of 2CRF Part 200, the DOJ Financial Guide, Award Conditions and what they mean for your agency,

  • Understand important components of internal controls and how to enhance prevention of fraud, waste and abuse of federal funds,

  • Clarify the roles and responsibilities of Federal Grant Points of Contact (POCs); Agency Administrators, Grant Managers and Financial Points of Contact (FPOC),

  • Learn how to address and comply with universal and special conditions linked to awards and reconcile those with state priorities,

  • Understand the grant manager’s role as “Coach” and best practices for delivering technical assistance for subgrantee success,

  • Learn and apply recipient and subrecipient risk management and monitoring tools and techniques,

  • Understand reporting requirements, timelines and systems,

  • Learn how to prepare for audits and develop and monitor for corrective actions plans, and

  • Locate and access ongoing grant management resources, including free resources to improve your policies and procedures and enhance equity in your grant making processes.


On-Demand Cost Allocation Plans and Indirect Cost Rates Series

Do you know what your obligations are related to indirect costs as a pass-through entity of federal funds?  Did you know that Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 200.332 requires that pass-through entities accept a subrecipients federally approved Indirect Cost Rate, allow for use of the de minimis, or must negotiate an Indirect Cost Rate if requested by the subrecipient? Do you want to know how to develop a cost allocation plan so that the true costs of delivering services are captured? Do you want more clarity on the different methodologies for establishing an indirect cost rate?   

This training is designed for SAAs and subrecipients who want to gain foundational knowledge and the skills to successfully create a cost allocation plan and negotiate an indirect cost rate agreement.


At the end of this training participants will:

  • Understand 2 CFR 200 requirements related to indirect costs,

  • Know the necessary components of an IDC proposal packet and cost allocation plan,

  • Be able to articulate why it’s important to charge indirect costs to cover all costs for services provided,

  • Understand the various types of indirect cost rates and methodologies for determining each one,

  • Recognize when it might be best to apply the de minimis rate,

  • Know what goes into building a cost allocation plan and indirect cost rate proposals, and

  • Know where to go for additional helpful tools and resources to develop cost allocation plans and indirect cost rates.


Session 1: Introduction to Cost Allocation Plans and Indirect Cost Rates will address an introduction to cost allocation plans and the development of an indirect cost rate packet. This session will go through the key definitions, what a cost allocation plan and indirect cost rate proposal includes, and provides clarification regarding the requirements under the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). During this session, participants will take a deeper look at the different types and methodology for allocating costs including direct costs, shared costs, indirect costs, and administrative costs how those costs factor into the indirect cost rate proposal process.


Session 2: How to Develop a Cost Allocation Plan– will look at what’s included and how to go about developing a cost allocation plan.  Participants will learn how cost allocation plans differ for institutes of higher education, nonprofits, and states and local governments. Participants will learn how to take various agency expenses to create a cost allocation plan that will ultimately outline and substantiate an organization’s methodology for allocating costs. 


Session 3: How to develop an indirect cost rate will allow participants to build on the previous session and review a cost allocation to determine and develop an indirect cost rate that ensures a fair and equitable allocation of essential costs. During this session, participants will review the various types of indirect cost rates and examine the required documentation for developing an indirect cost rate proposal package. Participants will also gain an understanding of the process and time frames for negotiating an indirect cost rate with their cognizant agency. 


On Demand Subgrant Monitoring Series

This two-part virtual training is designed to provide Byrne Justice Assistance Grant SAAs and subrecipients with knowledge and skills to meet subgrant monitoring responsibilities as a pass-through agent of federal grant funds.


In this series, participants will understand the importance, purpose, expectations and requirements for subgrant monitoring. Further, participants will learn about subgrant management processes, tools, techniques, and training that can support successful grant management and subgrant monitoring outcomes. Using and applying the knowledge they gained will allow participants to assess their agency’s subgrant monitoring practices to identify both best practices and areas for potential improvement that will lead to more efficient and effective processes. 


The presenter for this training is Meg Williams, who retired from the State of Colorado in July 2019 where she was the Manager of the Office of Adult and Juvenile Justice Assistance at Colorado’s Division of Criminal Justice, Department of Public Safety. In her career, Meg was also responsible for ensuring that subgrantees were provided grant-specific training and other resources that assisted them in implementing appropriate grant management practices. 

Our Trainings

Each training is customized to the specific needs of the state. Past trainings have covered Title 2 C.F.R. part 200, learning and applying risk management and monitoring tools, developing policies and procedures, preparing for an audit, and more. Every agenda is different, and reflects the unique nature of each training. 

Foundations of Federal Grants Management with Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services

2019 NCJA Grants Management

Training Day

Grants Management Training For State and Local Administrators with the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission (ACJC)

Foundations of Federal Grants Management in partnership with the North Carolina DPS, Governor’s Crime Commission

Sample Agenda

Day 1
Day 2

9:00 am Grants Management – Pre-Award

  • Identify Funding Opportunities

  • Proposal Development/Application

  • Pre-award Types Activity


12:00 pm Lunch 


1:00 pm The Grant Lifecycle – Pre-Award

  • Evaluation and Review

  • Budget Preparation and Review 

  • The Grant Lifecycle – Post-Award

  • Award and Program Establishment


3:00 pm The Grant Lifecycle – Post-Award



4:00 pm Adjourn

9:00 am The Grant Lifecycle – Post-Award Payments

  • Reporting (e-grants managements systems)

  • Amendments


12:00 pm Lunch 


1:00 pm The Grant Lifecycle – Post-Award

  • Closeout and Audits

  • 2 CFR Part 200


3:00 pm Professional Development

  • Resources

  • Questions and Answers

  • Workshop Participant Evaluations


4:00 pm Adjourn

Recent Trainings


Meeting Subrecipient Monitoring Responsibilities: A Best Practices Case Study from Tennessee 

How are you ensuring subrecipients are using federal funds for authorized purposes, in compliance with new Federal statutes and that performance goals are achieved? The recently updated Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations 200 (2 CFR 200 aka Uniform Guidance) language specified requirements for non-federal and pass-through entities that you will want to be aware of and incorporate into your own monitoring policies and practices. Learn about subrecipient monitoring best practices, hear about updates to the Uniform Guidance, receive access to links and monitoring resources, and view policies, practices and forms in use by the Tennessee Office of Criminal Justice Programs that you can potentially adapt and use as your own. This virtual training is designed to provide Byrne Justice Assistance Grant SAAs and subrecipients with the knowledge and skills to meet subgrant monitoring responsibilities as pass-through agents of federal grant funds.


Presented by Jeremiah Morton, Assistant Director, Programs, TN Office of Criminal Justice Programs and Tammy Woodhams, Director of Programs and Grants Training, NCJA Center for Grants Management


Grant Writing 101: The Federal Grant Application Process and Tools and Tips for Writing and Submitting a Competitive Proposal

Participants will leave this training with the knowledge and resources they need to develop an award-winning application; receive information about where to locate and how to determine eligibility and the associated expectations and requirements attached to federal funding opportunities. Participants will be given step-by-step instructions on the essential elements to complete the application process; will learn the six steps of program development and receive 24 tips for writing a winning proposal. In addition, participants will recognize a logic model as a helpful tool to develop S.M.A.R.T. goals and performance objectives and receive other tools to develop timelines and budgets. Participants will also receive links to a wealth of information to help them be successful in obtaining and managing a federal award.


The presenter for this training is Valarie Tickle, senior criminal justice planning and grant coordinator for the Delaware Criminal Justice Council. She is a subject matter expert on criminal justice grant writing and has submitted numerous successful competitive grant applications, totaling almost $20M to address needs in her state. 


Read Valerie Tickle's Full Bio


Grant Writing Crash Course

Are you a practitioner who is looking for federal grant funding to address a public safety need in your community? Are you interested in learning where to locate and pursue federal grant funding and how to submit an application that gives you the best chance to win an award? During this Grant Writing Crash Course, we will get right to the point and provide you with the essential elements to complete the application process including useful tips and tools for writing a winning proposal. You will leave this session with your own outline and resources to submit a successful application.​


The presenter for this training is Valarie Tickle, associate deputy director and grant coordinator for the Delaware Criminal Justice Council. She is a subject matter expert on criminal justice grant writing and has submitted numerous successful competitive grant applications over 26 years, totaling almost $20M to address needs in her state.

Our Trainers

​“The trainers were very personable and easy to work with. Very knowledgeable and helpful.” - ICJIA Grants Management Training​


Director of Programs and Grants Training, NCJA


Tammy oversees the National Center for Grants Management at NCJA. In the last 18 months, she has provided grants management and administration training for over 400 participants and designed and delivered more than 11 training programs in 10 states. She has worked with other national organizations such as NDAA and NAJIS to create and deliver trainings for their audiences. She has hosted NCJA's National Grant Management Training Day, featuring SAAs and grant managers from around the country as well as trainers from U.S. DOJ BJA and the OCFO at the National Forum on Criminal Justice every year for the past 4 years. She is a certified grant management specialist (CGMS) through the National Grants Management Association (NGMA), and is a certified project management professional (PMP).


Tammy also works to assist the executive director to promote, coordinate, facilitate, and deliver training and technical assistance designed to enhance justice planning and build capacity of state, local and tribal governments across the nation. Tammy assists in curriculum development, research and identification of model strategies, use of virtual communication tools and contributes to the information clearinghouse. Tammy serves as liaison to the national level funders, state and local agency representatives and manages National Criminal Justice Reform Project funded by Arnold Ventures to advance pretrial and reentry reform in four states.


Tammy has served for over 25 years in various positions within Kalamazoo County Government including founding executive director for the Kalamazoo Criminal Justice Council (a local justice planning agency) and founding director of the Kalamazoo Office of Community Corrections (in response to Michigan’s Community Corrections Act of 1988). In these positions, she wrote and administered several federal, state and local grant awards. She led the implementation of multi-disciplinary collaborative criminal justice projects and oversaw the implementation and expansion of 11 alternative programs. Notable among these projects were the nation’s first drug court for women offenders and Project RETURN (Reentry of Ex-Offenders Through Unique Resource Networking). Project RETURN was later identified as a model program and one of the first to be supported through the Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative through the Michigan Department of Corrections in 2005. She implemented risk and needs assessment instruments and a case management system throughout the community corrections continuum, from pretrial services through prisoner reentry. Tammy facilitated the establishment of stakeholder groups inclusive of leaders and representatives from all aspects of the criminal justice system, health and human service agencies, mental health and substance abuse treatment providers, workforce development, housing, and community groups. She spearheaded the development of “A Plan for Integrating Prevention, Intervention, Correction and Reintegration Programs in the Kalamazoo County Criminal Justice System.” She further assisted in the development and implementation Kalamazoo County’s Integrated Criminal Justice Management Information System Plan.


Tammy obtained her bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Western Michigan University.

Meg Williams

Former Manager, Office of Adult and Juvenile Justice Assistance, Colorado Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Justice

Meg Williams.jpg

Meg Williams retired from the State of Colorado in July 2019 where she was the Manager of the Office of Adult and Juvenile Justice Assistance at Colorado’s Division of Criminal Justice, Department of Public Safety.  Meg served as the designated Juvenile Justice Specialist for the state and was responsible for the management of many federal and state grant programs which seek to assist with and improve the adult criminal and juvenile justice systems. Important to this effort, Meg was responsible for participation in and oversight for innumerable federal monitoring processes, both comprehensive on-site visits and desk reviews from federal funders (BJA, OJJDP, BJS, NIJ), the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), and the Office of Inspector General (OIG). She was also responsible for ensuring subgrant managers for the programs she oversaw assessed the risk of subgrantees and provided the commensurate level of financial and programmatic monitoring to subgrantees. Finally, Meg was also responsible for ensuring that subgrantees were provided grant-specific training and other resources that assisted them in implementing appropriate grant management practices. 


Meg is a graduate of Kenyon College in Ohio with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and received a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Colorado at Denver. 

Valarie Tickle

Senior Criminal Justice Planning & Grant Coordinator, Delaware Criminal Justice Council

Valerie Tickle.jpg

Valarie Tickle, senior criminal justice planning and grant coordinator for the Delaware Criminal Justice Council.  She is a subject matter expert on criminal justice grant writing and has submitted numerous successful competitive grant applications, totaling almost $20M to address needs in her state.  


Valarie has been with the Council for twenty-four years and is the coordinator for various criminal justice grants and projects including the Adult and Juvenile Second Chance Act reentry funds, Comprehensive Opioid Substance Abuse Program, Justice Reinvestment Initiative, Adult Drug Court Enhancement, Prison Rape Elimination Act, Project Safe Neighborhoods, Adam Walsh Implementation, Harold Rodgers Prescription Drug Monitoring program, MacArthur Foundation Safety and Justice Challenge Innovation Funds and the National Criminal Justice Reform Project. She is a grant writing instructor and has presented nationally and locally to hundreds of attendees. She is a member of Delaware's National Criminal Justice Reform Project core team working on reentry reform and the Lt. Governor's Behavioral Health Consortium.


Valarie received a B.S. from the University of Delaware in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology.

Meg Williams

Get Started

To discuss training options and pricing, please contact Tammy Woodhams at (202) 903-3316 or

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