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Federal Prison Warden Sentenced in Sex Abuse Scandal

Crime and Justice News

The former warden of the federal prison in California known for its "rape club" that preyed on female inmates has been sentenced to six years in prison, the East Bay Times reports. Ray J. Garcia, 55, former warden of FCI Dublin, had been convicted in a jury trial of abusing three incarcerated women and then trying to cover it up. Garcia, who finally acknowledged his crimes during the hearing after denying them since he was charged, was ordered to turn himself in and begin serving the sentence on May 19. “Your honor, I stand before you today as a broken man,” said Garcia, who also waived his right to appeal the verdict and sentence. “I could not be more ashamed. I can’t be more sorry.”

The sentence split the difference between the 15 years sought by prosecutors and less than two years requested by Garcia's defense lawyers. Before passing sentence, the judge heard testimony from two of the three women Garcia was convicted of abusing about the horrors they endured. In imposing the sentence, U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers chastised Garcia for his role in tormenting women at the federal facility. And she chided him for concocting “ludicrous” lies on the stand during his trial. “I sentence hundreds of people; I expect and they should be able to expect that when they go into federal custody, they won’t be abused,” Rogers said. “And you abused them. And there was no one watching you — you were the warden, and you were the associate warden." She also slammed Garcia for taking part in — and furthering — an apparent culture of misconduct within FCI Dublin. Garcia is one of five corrections officers charged with sexually abusing incarcerated women at the facility. At least three have pleaded guilty — one of whom has received seven years in federal prison. “You entered a cesspool and then did nothing about it. You just went along with the ride and enjoyed the cesspool yourself,” Rogers told Garcia. “You should have done something about it.”


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