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President Claims Ignorance of Possible Hunter Biden Charges

President Biden addressed the possibility of his son Hunter being prosecuted for tax crimes and a false statement during a gun purchase. It was the first time the elder Biden has answered questions about the possibility of charges, Politico reports. “I didn’t know anything about it,” the president told CNN, of his son possibly lying about drug use on an application to purchase a gun. Federal agents think they have enough evidence to charge the younger Biden with tax crimes and the false statement, the Washington Post has reported. No charges have been filed by the U.S. Attorney in Delaware — an appointee of President Trump.

Federal law requires people to attest they’re not unlawfully using or addicted to drugs when they buy a gun; Hunter Biden has said that he was struggling with drug addiction in 2018, the same year he purchased a gun. The president stressed that he’s proud of his son for overcoming drug addiction and establishing “a new life.” “I have great confidence in my son,” Biden said. “I love him and he’s on the straight and narrow, and he has been for a couple years now. And I’m just so proud of him.”


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