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Ohio 'Incel' Admits Planning Hate Crime Against Women

An Ohio man who federal authorities say planned to "slaughter" nearly 3,000 women at a university in 2020 has pleaded guilty to an attempted hate crime. Tres Genco, 22, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to one count of attempting to commit a hate crime after admitting he planned to target and kill women at an unnamed university in Ohio, NPR reports. Genco was arrested by federal agents in July 2021 and has remained in custody. Genco identified as an "involuntary celibate," or incel, and had active online profiles that supported the incel movement. The Justice Department describes the incel movement as an online community — predominantly of men — who "harbor anger" towards women.

Genco maintained several online profiles on a popular incel website from at least July 2019 through mid-March 2020, where he posted messages frequently. Genco went into detail about spraying "some foids and couples" with orange juice in a water gun. According to authorities, "foids" is an incel term short for "femoids," a crude term referring to women. Genco also posted writings dating back to at least 2019, stating he would "slaughter women out of hatred, jealousy and revenge" and referring to death as the "great equalizer."

In one of those writings, Genco wrote he hoped to kill as many as 3,000 people, prosecutors said. The day he wrote his screed, Genco searched online for sororities and a university in Ohio.


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