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Most Americans Favor Supreme Court Term Limits, Poll Finds

Sixty seven percent of Americans favor term limits for Supreme Court justices, per a new poll from AP and NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, Axios reports. That breaks down to eighty two percent of Democrats and fifty percent of Republicans. Forty three percent of Americans also say they have "hardly any" confidence in the court.The poll comes soon after the Supreme Court issued a number of high-profile rulings, including overturning Roe v. Wade and expanding gun rights. Fifty three percent of Americans disapprove of the court's decision to overturn Roe, while thirty percent approve and sixteen percent say they hold neither opinion, the poll found. There's a partisan divide over approval of the decision, with 63% of Republicans approving and 80% of Democrats disapproving.

There's also a stark partisan divide over overall confidence in the court, the poll found. Sixty four percent of Democrats say they have "hardly any" confidence, up from twenty seven percent in April. Thirty one percent have only some confidence and just four percent have a great deal of confidence. For Republicans, confidence in the court has improved, with thirty four percent saying they have a great deal of confidence, up from twenty one percent in an April poll. Democratic lawmakers, including Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), have discussed placing term limits on Supreme Court justices in the wake of the Roe decision. Biden's Supreme Court commission has shown strong interest in imposing terms limits on justices, though Biden has not weighed in after the final report was released in December.


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