A series of gun safety bills introduced after the deadliest shooting in Maine history appears to be heading toward being enacted into law, reports the Associated Press. The Oct. 25 shooting that killed 18 people and injured 13 others in Lewiston prompted lawmakers to act, arguing that constituents were demanding action to prevent future shootings.
The House of Representatives followed the Senate on Monday in approving the governor’s omnibus gun safety bill that strengthens the state’s yellow flag law, a measure that restricts access to firearms for people who are considered a danger to themselves or other people. The bill will also boost background checks for private sales of guns and makes it a crime to sell a gun to a prohibited person. The bill funds violence prevention initiatives and opens a mental health crisis receiving center in Lewiston. The House will be voting on two bills approved by the Senate that would establish waiting periods for gun purchases and a ban on bump stocks. The state has a strong hunting tradition and an active lobby aimed at protecting gun owner rights. Maine voters rejected universal background checks for firearm purchases in 2016.