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Hidalgo Tapped By Biden To Head Office on Violence Against Women

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence has applauded President Biden's nomination of Rosie Hidalgo to head the Justice Department's Office on Violence Against Women (OVW). Hidalgo, a 2018 winner of the coalition's Voices Rising Policy Change Award, now serves on the White House Gender Policy Council as the Senior Advisor on Gender-Based Violence and Special Assistant to the President.

Hidalgo has worked in the movement to end gender-based violence for over 25 years as a public interest attorney and policy advocate. She was the Senior Director of Public Policy for Esperanza United, a national resource center with a focus on providing training, research, and policy advocacy to prevent and respond to gender-based violence in Latin@ communities. Coalition President/CEO, Ruth Glenn called Hidalgo "a fierce advocate for victims and survivors with decades of experience in public policy. She is beloved by the advocacy community and known for her leadership, her vision and her humor."


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