Delaware Criminal Justice Council
How is your agency is structured?
The Delaware Criminal Justice Council is an independent body in the executive branch committed to leading the criminal justice system through a collaborative approach that calls upon the experience and creativity of the Council, all components of the system, and the community. The Council shall continually strive for an effective system that is fair, efficient, and accountable.
The CJC was created by statute in 1984 and was united with the Statistical Analysis Center in 2011. The Board of Parole was added to the CJC complement in July 2014 and the Delaware Anti-Trafficking Action Council (DATAC) became part of CJC in 2021.
The Board that governs the work of the Council consists of 29 members defined by state code, including representatives from the judiciary, state and local police departments, and state and local government and members of the community. The CJC Board provides recommendations on grant implementation ensuring coordination and provides project oversight. The Council is a forum for disseminating project results as well as getting top-level input on criminal justice initiatives throughout the state.
CJC serves as the State planning agency for criminal justice, juvenile justice, and victim services. CJC is designated as the State Administering Agency (SAA) for distribution of federal funds. Our core functions include grant funding, research & evaluation, providing TTA as a trusted resource, convening stake holders, conducting strategic planning, holding public hearings, reviewing Legislation, and staffing over 25 Committees statewide.
Please list the federal and state grants your agency administers.
Juvenile Justice (Title II, DSCYF After School Programs*)
OJJDP Juvenile Justice Enhancing Defense Program
Victims (FVPSA, SASP, DV Fund*, VOCA, VAWA)
John R. Justice
Postconviction DNA
Connect and Protect: Law Enforcement Behavioral Health Response Program - Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (JMHCP)
2ND Chance Act – Reentry IRI (Innovative Reentry Initiatives )and ARES (Adult Reentry and Employment Strategic Planning & Implementation)
Byrne Justice Assistance Grant
Project Safe Neighborhoods
Body Worn Camera
Coverdell NSFIA
Statewide Violence Reduction – BJAG Disc
President-Elect Security
Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking
Adult Drug Court & Community Court
*=state funding
Please list your top three current priority or focus areas.
Among the many topic areas, CJC’s current top priorities are reducing homicide and violent crime, training and assistance for law enforcement, and improving behavioral health services for individuals in the justice system.
What is the main thing you would like other NCJA members to know about your agency?
The Delaware Criminal Justice Council is a growing agency and expands our ability to improve the criminal justice system statewide through both formula and competitive grant funding. CJC continues to successfully obtain competitive funding which is leveraged to comprehensively address the challenges the justice system faces. This enhances the Council’s ability to implement innovative evidence informed approaches to improve the lives of our citizens. These efforts in turn shape policy reform for sustainable long-term impacts.