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Virginia GOP Candidate Offers Voters Free AR-15 Rifles

Crime and Justice News

In Virginia, Delegate David. LaRock, a Republican write-in candidate seeking a state Senate seat, pledged to prospective voters in an email, that he “will give away 10 AR-15 rifles — FREE,” reports the Washington Post. “When you think of Dave LaRock,” the delegate wrote, “remember I’m the guy that’s so pro-gun that I give them away for free.” LaRock, when initially contacted by the Post on Thursday, appeared to reconsider his offer, at least momentarily, saying he was “fine-tuning some of the terms to avoid any appearance of impropriety.” A few minutes later, the delegate texted a statement that said he was “withdrawing the offer.” He then texted a second statement twenty minutes later that said his offer was alive and well, and “open to the public, including people who may not have supported me.”

LaRock explained that he had talked to his lawyer. and was amending his offer to specify that “there will be no charge to qualify” for the AR-15s, that “winners will be randomly chosen” and that “transfer of rifles will be conducted to comply with Virginia law.” “I want people to know I’m solidly pro gun,” LaRock wrote. As a write-in candidate, LaRock is widely viewed as a long shot in a race that includes Republican Timmy French, who defeated him in the GOP primary in June. Democrat Emily Scott is also on the ballot in a conservative district that includes the city of Winchester, as well as Frederick, Shenandoah, Clarke, and Warren counties.


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