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Research-Stats Group Starts Justice Information Resource Network

The national non profit Justice Research and Statistics Association this week changed its name to the Justice Information Resource Network (JIRN) and launched a new website,

The group calls itself a resource center for researchers, analysts, journalists and practitioners of justice research. providing "reputable, nonpartisan research, learning programs tailored for justice researchers and research consumers who want to be informed, and opportunities for peers to meet, share perspectives and learn from one another. "

JIRN conducts criminal justice-focused research with partners, analyzing crucial issues and their effects across the justice system at the state and federal levels.

JIRN says its searchable research database includes over 3,000 publications, covering all criminal justice topics.

It is hosting discussion boards for peer-to-peer learning, job postings, and generally, a space to connect with colleagues in the field.

"We hold ourselves to a very high standard. We don't advocate -- we inform. That's the difference, says JIRN research director Roger Przybylski.

JIRN helps coordinate statistical analysis centers in 53 states and territories. Among their functions are collecting, analyzing, and distributing criminal justice data, conducting policy-relevant research, and designing and implementing automated information systems.

Other JIRN projects include a Death in Custody Reporting Act (DCRA) Training and Technical Assistance Center, a Center for Victim Research, an Incident-Based Reporting Resource Center and a National Census of Victim Service Providers.


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