Robert Chambers, known as New York City's “Preppy Killer,” was released after spending 15 years in prison for drug and assault charges. Chambers spent a similar amount of time in prison after pleading guilty to strangling Jennifer Levin in New York City’s Central Park in summer 1986, reports the Associated Press. Chambers entered admitted killing 18-year-old Levin in a deal when a jury could not reach a decision after nine days of deliberations.
Chambers was released in 2003 and was arrested in 2007 with a girlfriend for running a cocaine operation out of their apartment. His lawyer filed a psychiatric defense, saying he had become an addict at 14 and was, by 2007, using 10 to 12 bags of heroin a day. Chambers planned to plead insanity. Prosecutors said Chambers had sold as much as $2,800 in heroin at a time to undercover police. He was sentenced to 19 years in prison. He was released last Tuesday — four years before his scheduled release date — from New York's Shawangunk Correctional Facility. Chambers, now 56, will remain under supervision for up to five years.