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Justice Counts Project Seeks Public Feedback On Criminal Justice Data

Crime and Justice News

Justice Counts, a national initiative being used by agencies across the U.S. to improve the accessibility and usability of criminal justice data, is launching a public feedback period through June 25 on "tier 2 metrics” that have been developed to provide more insight into local criminal justice systems, help criminal justice agencies tell the stories of their work, and give decision-makers more data to help them enact informed policies. Justice Counts asks the public, policymakers, and representatives of criminal justice agencies to review proposed metrics and provide feedback at

The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center and the U.S. Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) partnered with Measures for Justice (MFJ) to facilitate the collaborative development process for tier 1 metrics, which were released in May 2022. “This is a unique opportunity for criminal justice professionals, advocates, community groups, and the public at large to leave their impact on the future of criminal justice data,” said CSG's Katie Mosehauer, Justice Counts will hold online information sessions on the project on May 29 and 30. To register or more information, visit


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