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In Letter, Lawmakers Push Biden To Do More On Marijuana Reform Before Term Ends

Crime and Justice News

Several progressive lawmakers have written a letter calling on President Biden to take additional steps on federal marijuana law before his term comes to an end in January — by moving marijuana from a Schedule I to Schedule III controlled substance, issuing clemency for people convicted of cannabis related crimes, and deprioritize prosecutions of marijuana offenses.  Democratic Reps. Barbara Lee, Earl Blumenauer, and Ilhan Omar, along with Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ron Wyden signed the letter, the Hill reports

The move from Schedule I to Schedule III would classify marijuana as a less severe drug that could offer some medical value.  Though the rescheduling would represent progress, the lawmakers said, “it will not end federal criminalization, resolve its harms, or meaningfully address the gap between federal and state cannabis policy.” “Possession and use of recreational marijuana — and much state-legal medical marijuana — will continue to be a violation of federal law,” the letter says. In 2022 and 2023, Biden issued pardons for people convicted under federal law of simple possession of marijuana, attempted simple possession and use of marijuana. But, the letter points out, Biden’s pardons saw hardly anyone released from prison because few people were incarcerated in federal facilities for the offenses. “President Biden should issue broader clemency — including another round of pardons and commutations to reduce sentences or end terms of — for individuals convicted of other cannabis-related offenses. Additionally, the President should again urge state governors to expand marijuana clemency and decriminalize low-level marijuana conduct under state law.”


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