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Dallas Faces Challenge In Hiring 900 More Cops Under Ballot Measure

Proposition U, which narrowly passed last week with 50.5% support from Dallas voters, includes a city charter mandate that Dallas maintain a force of at least 4,000 cops — an increase of about 900. The provision requires Dallas to direct at least 50% of excess yearly revenue toward funding its police and fire pension system, hiring more cops and boosting officers’ starting pay, reports the Dallas Morning News.


The mandate would require the city to redirect a projected $37.5 million in revenue in its first year. Many current and former elected officials and city leaders united to urge voters to reject the proposition and two others, warning the changes would drain the city's financial resources. Public safety officials questioned how Dallas’ police force could achieve rapid growth when law enforcement agencies face staffing challenges nationwide. Criminologists say Dallas is in uncharted territory. While cities often set hiring goals, mandates of this scale are uncommon.


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