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About 1/3 of Female Homicide Victims Killed By Intimate Partner

Crime and Justice News

Of the nearly 5,000 female victims of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter last year, some 34 percent were killed by an intimate partner. By comparison, about six percent of the 17,970 males murdered that year were victims of intimate partner homicide, reports the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Overall, 76 percent of female murders and 56 percent of male murders were perpetrated by someone known to the victim.

About 16 percent of female murder victims were killed by a nonintimate family member—parent, grandparent, sibling, in-law, and other family member—compared to 10 percent of male murder victims.

A larger percentage of males (21 percent) were murdered by a stranger than females (12 percent). For one of three male murder victims and One of five female murder victims, the relationship between the victim and the offender was unknown. The data came from the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS), which has replaced the longstanding FBI Uniform Crime Reporting system.


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